Yellow4FLAVI at a glance
5 Years
2024 -2028
Budget 8M
Funded by the EU
Horizon Europe
12 Partners & 1 Affiliated Entity
In 7 Countries
6 EU and Colombia
32 Tasks
Distributed in 8 WPs
6 Clinical Studies
conducted by 4 Partners
50 Experts
virologists, cell biologists, immunologists, computational scientists, clinicians, social scientists

19 Milestones
58 Delivrables
Yellow4FLAVI, coordinated by Dr. Giovanna Barba-Spaeth at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, relies on unprecedented transnational and transdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together academic institutions, research centers, and internationally renowned experts.
We are molecular and structural virologists, cell biologists, immunologists, computational scientists, clinicians, and social scientists assembled in a tight collaborative network.
Each partner brings unique expertise, enriching our understanding of flaviviruses and the development of innovative vaccination strategies.

About the project
While endemic to the tropics, flaviviruses like Zika, dengue, West Nile or yellow fever virus are re-emerging pathogens of global health concern.
Climate change and urbanization have largely contributed to the dissemination of their mosquito vector and Europe has in recent years been regularly confronted with autochthonous cases.
Few vaccines are licensed to prevent flavivirus disease, but the yellow fever 17D (YF17D) vaccine has a unique track record of efficiency and safety. Intriguingly, despite its success, how YF17D induces immunity remains poorly understood.
YELLOW4FLAVI aims to fill the gaps in our understanding of the mechanism of action of this vaccine by linking the structure of the viral particle to the resulting host immune response, in order to learn about optimal vaccine design for flaviviruses in general.
Since social acceptance of vaccines is critical for their success, we will also develop optimal communication methods. This will provide us with the tools to tailor vaccine design not only to achieve optimal immune protection, but also to facilitate actual implementation.