Turku, Finland
The University of Turku is a multi-disciplinary scientific environment with high-quality research activities. The university hosts approximately 20'000 students and 3400 staff members. Versatile and continuously updated research instruments, equipment, materials, and services support the research work. The university has committed to the national and international goals of open science and research, the central principle being promoting ethically sustainable research activities that follow the practices and principles approved by the science community.
Project Team
Project tasks
Work Package 1 Influence of virus architecture on protective epitope exposure and antigen intracellular trafficking
Task 1.2. Investigate entry and fusion of YF17D vs YFWT in endosomal compartments in DCs
Task 1.3. Lead: Analyse endocytosis and intracellular trafficking of YF17D vs YFWT in B lymphocytes
Work Package 4 Initiation of the immune response and presentation of viral antigens
Task 4.3. Define the antigen source and explain the mechanism of antigen transfer from infected stromal cells to DCs for presentation to YFV-specific T cells