At the 2024 One Health Award "Frontiera Africa" conference organised by Yellow4FLAVI Partner Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise (IZS Teramo) (Dr. Alessio Lorusso, Dr. Marialuigia Caporale, Dr. Ilaria Puglia), in Italy, Dr. Giovanna Barba-Spaeth (Yellow4FLAVI Scientific Coordinator at Institut Pasteur) presented Yellow4FLAVI and the nature communication scientific publication "Pre-existing flavivirus immunity enhances YF17D vaccine response and alters viral sensing pathways via ADE”.
The conference gathered global health leaders, including representatives from the Diseases & Zoonoses, Epidemic & Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention at the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission (Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (SANTE), to address Africa’s health challenges and environmental issues. Dr. Giovanna Barba-Spaeth’s presentation highlighted Yellow4FLAVI's multidisciplinary scientific efforts to prevent vector-borne diseases in Africa, a region increasingly critical to global health.
IZS Teramo’s long-standing African partnerships, like ERFAN and SILAB for Africa, underscore the importance of collaboration in monitoring diseases across ecological borders, advancing both regional and international health systems.
For more on the conference: www.onehealthaward.it